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Tip For Less Greasy Fries

For less greasy fries and more digestible, soak them (after being cut) in milk for about 10 minutes. Then drain them and fry them.
Unlike water, milk will prevent the fries to absorb too much oil because it removes less starch than water. This is actually the starch prevents the fries to absorbe too much fat.
Also: Wrap fries in paper towels after frying, it still remove more oil.

Easy Tuna and Pasta Gratin Recipe!

500g pasta
Four fresh tomatoes.
Grain of sweet color paprika.
4 cloves garlic.
160 gr of canned Tuna.
300 g cheese mozzarella
½ teaspoon black pepper.
80 ml olive oil.

Start by cutting tomatoes, paprika into small pieces. and finly shop the garlic. Boil the pasta.
In a medium high heat, place a large pan. add olive oil then tomatoes, paprika and garlics.
After that add tuna, salt as desired, and a pinch of black pepper. Mix well. lastly add the already boiled pasta.

Place the pasta into a baking dish and put it in to the oven at 200° for 10 minutes.

Watch the recipe in the video

Bon Appétit.

Ice Cream Oreo Recipe

Super fast and super easy ice cream oreo recipe to make! You only need 3 ingredients!


10 oreo cookies.
200cl condensed milk.
250cl Double or whipping cream.


STEP 1 :
Whip the cream until the texture become stiff.


Add the condensed milk to the whipped cream, mix gently with a spatula.


Add the crushed oreo previously to the mixture.


Freeze in an airtight container for at least 3 hours.

Watch how to make the yummy ice cream oreo:

Chocolate Pound Cake Recipe

Easy chocolate pound recipe


4 eggs

Milk 200ml

Butter 250g

Sugar 300g

Cocoa powder 40g

Chocolate 40g

How to:

Melt the butter over a low heat, than add sugar cocoa powder, and milk.

Add a little bit of the mixture to 40 g of chocolate, and reserve it for the last part.

Separate the 4 eggs.

Whip the egg whites until it become foamy.

Add yolks to the first mixture, flour, and salt, than add the egg whites. Mix all the ingredients. Put the mixture in your pan.

Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

lastly add chocolate gaze that you reserve it to the cake. you can put sprinkle nuts.

Watch the video:

Chocolate Mousse Recipe

Welcome Back again.

Who doesn't love a yummy desert filled with chocolate!!

For all the chocolate lovers out there learn the best and easy chocolate mousse.


150 g dark chocolate.

3 tbsp butter.

1/4 cup sugar.

3 eggs.

Lemon zest.

How to:

Beat the 3 eggs annd separate the egg yolks and egg whites.

Zest lemon on the egg yolks.

whipe the egg whites with sugar.

Melt the dark chocolate with butter in a bain-marie.

than add all the ingredients together and combine well.

Place the mousse chocolate in your favorite cups and refrigerate them a few hours.

Watch the video below:

Bonne appétit.